Tag Archives: Hair

New hair

14 Apr

My hair has looked the same for… 10 years? No joke. It’s been long, straight and dark brown since middle school. Now, it’s still straight and dark brown but a tad on the short* side. I’m usually a little resistant to unnecessary change, but I figured that after thinking about cutting my hair shorter for awhile *cough – two years,* I decided to take the jump. What do you think?

*My vision of “short” and your vision my be a little different. 🙂

I lost about 4inches off the back and 8inches off the layers. Yikes! There was a ton of hair falling to the floor and I might have been on the verge of panic (kidding!) but to be honest i’m so happy I did it. I LOVE it. It’s so much easier to wash and I feel la little more “grown up” now that I can actually style this do. 😉

-Ashten May

Ps: On a slightly different note, have you ever tried to take a picture of yourself, in the mirror, with your phone? I’ve found out that it’s not quite as simple as you’d think.